What I've learned

In this post I share the technical concepts I’ve learned as part of the web development program of the six month, full-time course I am taking with Lambda School. My objective is to provide a summary of everything I’ve learned with regards to web development in the past few months.

Lambda Labs: Week 1 - Start Up

Development journal detailing the experiences of forming a team during the first of the Lambda School Labs project. This week was the first week of our Labs project. The goal was to set up our front and back end and deploy to the web.

Labs: Week 2 - Integration

This week was the second week of our Labs project. I am working with a team of five developers to build a website application for publishing DIY projects and receiving feedback.

Labs: Week 3 - Feature Complete

This week was the third week of our Labs project. The goal for the week was to build all of the features for the RateMyDIY web applications. We made significant progress this week and completed almost all of the features.

Labs: Week 4 - Presentation

This week was the fourth week of our Labs project. The goal for the was all about making the project look good. We had most of the functionality working and shifted focus to building a professional looking UI for the website.

Labs: Week 5 - Polish

This week was the fifth and last week of our Labs project. The goal for the week was to make the project look and feel like a professional project. There were some unexpected challenges that involved some re-work of functionality.